What is a CMMS?
Wednesday 22 april 2020
CMMS, Computer Aided Maintenance Management, is a software solution dedicated to maintenance teams to simplify the planning of curative and preventive missions, the management of technicians in operation, the management of the life cycle of technical assets and in general all the maintenance functions of a company.
What is the purpose of a CMMS?
The implementation of a CMMS will digitalize both operational maintenance, also called "front", and the administrative or "back" part.
The operational part consists of :
- Planning of interventions
- Maintenance and troubleshooting management
- Accompaniment of technicians in the field
- Communication manager <> technician
- Cartography and geolocation
- Automatic notifications
- Field data collection
- Equipment life cycle
- Customer communication
And the administrative part:
- Management of estimates
- Billing management
- Management of customer contracts
- Inventory management and spare parts
- Human Resources Management
- Procurement and Supply Management
- Budget monitoring
- Provision of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
To be complete and efficient, a CMMS must cover all these processes and integrate them seamlessly. Find out more about What is a CMMS for?
Essential: the CMMS must have a mobile application on Android smartphone and iOS uptodate to be able to deliver all the value expected from its implementation. Indeed, in a maintenance department, more than 80% of the personnel are mobile throughout their working day.
The different CMMS software
During your search for the best CMMS for your company, you will discover a wide range of possibilities: opting for an open source CMMS, a cloud CMMS, a SaaS CMMS or even developing your CMMS.
In a few words before going any further by clicking here to find out more about CMMS, here is a quick overview of the options.
Open source CMMS is the promise of a free CMMS. We'll let you take a detailed look at the article devoted to this subject, but don't have too many illusions, all work deserves pay, right?
Cloud CMMS or SaaS CMMS are two approaches to the same reality. The cloud is the proposed technology. It corresponds to the best of what is being done today in terms of maintenance solutions. And SaaS, for Software as a Service, is the subscription business model: you no longer buy your CMMS licence outright, but pay per use.
Developing your CMMS? If you have at your disposal a professional team of developers who master the latest development platforms, if you agree to wait several years before starting to use the solution, then why not, it could be a possible solution.
CMMS software price
Abandon paper, post-its around your computer, velleda planning boards hanging on the walls, scattered Excel files... it's priceless if you choose a modern mobile web CMMS solution dedicated to your sector.
Gone are the days when you had to be a multinational company to consider setting up a CMMS. And, excellent news, the best CMMSs are now often the cheapest. Without exception, they have now adopted a "pay as you use" model that will allow you to pay only for what you use in terms of number of users, activated functional modules, and duration of use.
Expect a price ranging from 19 to 69 euros per user license per month. This price will have to include everything, namely :
- User licenses
- Hosting
- Unlimited storage
- Backups
- Monitoring 24/24, telephone support 5/7 8H-18H
- Personalized follow-up
- Continuous improvements
If you're talking about purchasing licenses, limiting storage, software maintenance costs, application maintenance costs, support extension costs, limiting the number of tickets, what do I know... one salvation: leakage.
The best CMMS
That's a big question. As you've already read the above, you now know what a CMMS is for, you know the different CMMS solutions on offer and you know how much it costs. In 2 minutes you have already learned a lot. All you have to do is find the best CMMS.
To claim to be the best, a CMMS must meet all of the following criteria:
- It must be Cloud
- It must be natively mobile
- It must be offered in SaaS (it's the famous "Pay as you use" winner)
- It must be based on the latest technologies: forget about PHP, Java and other aging technologies. Welcome to Ruby, React, Javascript
- It must be efficient
- It must accept unlimited volumes of data and queries
- It must be functionally rich without being indigestible...
- It must allow a very rapid appropriation
- It must provide online help and explanation videos
- It must offer an open API with guaranteed interoperability
- It must be widely and easily configurable
- It must be available 24/24 7 days a week at 100%
- Last but not least, it must offer a very fast start up (setup, data recovery) training
It's starting to look pretty good, but that's not all. In SaaS, if the first "S" is for Software, the second is for Service. In other words, the team of the chosen editor must also be able to provide you with a high level of support including :
- Permanent listening
- Quick answer to your questions
- Reactive support throughout the day
- We welcome your suggestions
- Ability to customize to meet your own needs
If you check all these criteria with your publisher and it is respected, no need to go further, you have found your Grail.
By the way, at Yuman our ambition is to offer the best CMMS on the market and to provide an unequalled user experience. So don't hesitate to test us right away. In 2 minutes you will find yourself in the most modern equipment available today for this type of tool.
Good discovery and see you soon on Yuman.