How to improve maintenance with a CMMS?
Thursday 23 april 2020
> What is the purpose of a CMMS?
While it is fairly easy to remember the maintenance carried out last week, as soon as the frequency increases, our memory fails. The CMMS will therefore be your daily ally in organizing, planning and executing preventive interventions and ensuring your customers an unparalleled quality of service.
CMMS - Maintenance ranges
Effective maintenance must be structured and documented, especially when handling equipment that impacts the safety and comfort of users in the tertiary sector or the quality and continuity of production in industry. It is for this reason that manufacturers and maintenance service providers have created maintenance ranges, in other words, checklists of actions to be carried out at regular intervals to guarantee the proper functioning of equipment. The legislator has added its grain of salt with the creation of regulatory control and maintenance interventions, to ensure the safety of buildings and people, and to control pollution emission levels. These are standards that asset holders must imperatively comply with.
CMMS will allow you to import your maintenance ranges and associate them with each of the equipment for which you are responsible.
CMMS - Maintenance plans
Then, the recurrence of maintenance ranges comes into play. Daily, weekly, monthly, every three or six months, annually, multi-annually, etc., whatever the periodicity, CMMS will build your maintenance plans.
A preventive maintenance plan is structured on the basis of a set of technical information including :
- The place of intervention
- The equipment(s) to be maintained and/or inspected
- The maintenance ranges to be carried out
- Required skills and qualifications
- Expected times per action
- The necessary material resources
- Spare parts to be replaced
- Consumables to be completed
This gives us an easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow schedule with deadlines for periodic audits. A workload plan that will allow us to anticipate human resource needs several months in advance.
Let's reinforce the legibility with in red the late interventions, in yellow the planned interventions, in green the interventions carried out, and the maintenance plan becomes dynamic and very easy to read. If necessary, you just have to click on each deadline to view the intervention sheet. Easy, isn't it?
CMMS - Preventive maintenance orders
Now that the maintenance plan has been drawn up, you must create the corresponding maintenance task records. Rest assured, we are not going to ask you to do this manually, it would be counter-productive. CMMS automatically generates all preventive maintenance orders for a given period, for example for the coming month. You define how far in advance the interventions are to be generated and planned.
Maintenance tasks can be generated in the status "open" awaiting planning, with the dispatcher and/or technician viewing the completion window. They can also be scheduled on the day and date agreed with the customer.
On the move, technicians have access to the history of the equipment, its characteristics, photos, notices and other documents as well as details of the maintenance range with the estimated duration. Everything you need to know to work with complete peace of mind!
CMMS - Maintenance and customer communication
In addition to the possibility of sending customers the intervention report by email, which is already very good, the most advanced CMMS offers to provide each customer with secure access to their equipment assets. This is the principle of the customer portal: with a login and a password, your customer accesses an account allowing him to consult only the information that concerns him: interventions carried out and planned, estimates, invoices and of course the progress of the maintenance plan. Count on transparency and trust. They can also submit their maintenance requests directly to the account.
CMMS = Optimized maintenance!
Preventive maintenance management is a major challenge for companies that need to maintain equipment in good condition, comply with regulatory obligations and satisfy customer requests, by managing optimum intervention times and teams that are constantly on the move in the field. This cannot be done without a modern CMMS that centralizes information, optimizes rounds and provides an updated roadmap at all times to ensure the best possible preventive interventions.
By the way, our ambition is to offer an unparalleled user experience. Check it out right away: try CMMS for free. Within 2 minutes, the time it takes to create your account, you'll discover what's newest in this category of software.
You can also benefit from a demonstration led by one of our consultants: book a videoconference
Good discovery and see you soon on Yuman.
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