How to plan with a CMMS?
Wednesday 22 april 2020
> What is a CMMS for?
As you know, between what is planned and what is actually carried out, there is a gap that we want to reduce as much as possible. The challenge is to have a schedule that can be updated very easily, to take into account emergencies, missing parts, hazards, absences, etc. > What is the purpose of a CMMS? CMMS ensures that you have an overall view of the teams and equipment in order to coordinate the human resources and time available to ensure the proper execution of interventions.
Managing the schedule is far from being hazardous: it must be complete, because time is money, but never overloaded ... If you are constantly underwater, think about coming back to the surface from time to time! Or call on CMMS to finally get a clear and global view of your team's forecast and availability.
CMMS Curative maintenance planning
To ensure a quick and efficient intervention and guarantee that equipment is returned to operational conditions, it is essential to use shared planning, visible both to technicians, sometimes on the move and without an internet connection, and to managers.
CMMS makes it possible to create new interventions by selecting a free time slot and a simple drag and drop is all that is needed to adjust the schedule. Of course, changes are communicated in real time to the stakeholders: technicians receive a notification on their mobile phone and send an email to customers.
As the day progresses, you can see the planned interventions change to "in progress" and then "done" status on the planning and mapping. On some CMMS, the statuses have very recognizable colors so that you can see at a glance the progress of operations compared to the forecast.
This is all very well, but sometimes it is only possible to plan an intervention at the moment T. An information, a part or simply time is missing. CMMS allows you to have a banner of open interventions, waiting to be planned. So that you don't forget them and come back to them as soon as possible.
One last thing ... Because everyone has their own habits, it's important that your CMMS offers a customizable schedule: vertical or horizontal display, day or week, with or without weekends, choice of start and end times, addition of holidays and absences, or link with Google Calendar, your schedule adapts to you and not the other way around!
CMMS is a very good ally for the management of curative, urgent interventions, such as breakdowns or production stoppages, because it allows you to plan or re-plan based on available information. What about preventive management?
CMMS Preventive Maintenance Planning
The whole challenge of preventive maintenance planning is to guarantee the execution of the maintenance ranges, the follow-up of the maintenance plans and the good execution of the operations by the teams.
CMMS allows you to integrate the equipment repository, to associate the periodic checks to be carried out with it, in other words the maintenance ranges, in order to build the maintenance plan. In a CMMS, this schedule is updated as preventive operations are planned and carried out. You are also notified if the maintenance plan falls behind schedule.
The most advanced CMMS, allow you to generate in one click monthly or by contract / site / equipment, the preventive operations to be carried out. With some CMMS you can also use the auto mode, which will automatically generate, distribute and schedule preventive interventions.
Once the intervention order has been created, the procedure is the same as for the curative intervention: update of the technician's schedule, start of the intervention, check box to certify that the specified maintenance actions and checks have been carried out correctly, addition of photos, spare parts and consumables used, signature of the customer or technician, which will build an intervention report that can be sent automatically by email to the customer and update the history of the equipment concerned in real time.
CMMS: essential for planning
You will have understood this, because on the one hand, curative interventions can fall at any time, are most often urgent and therefore have a direct impact on the plannin. Because, on the other hand, preventive and regulatory interventions must be planned well in advance to have a load/capacity plan to define its resource requirements, using a CMMS is essential to ensure that planning can be adjusted in real time and is perfectly respected.
Planning via a CMMS helps you to get better organized, gain responsiveness, guarantee user safety, customer comfort, and ensure that equipment is properly maintained and in perfect working order, and there's nothing more important.
By the way, our ambition is to offer an unparalleled user experience. Check it out right away: try CMMS for free. Within 2 minutes, the time it takes to create your account, you'll discover what's newest in this category of software.
You can also benefit from a demonstration led by one of our consultants: book a videoconference
Good discovery and see you soon on Yuman.
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