Fields of application of CMMS?
Monday 14 march 2022
Let's review the areas of application of CMMS covered by the Maintenance Software Yuman, both for preventive and curative services specific to your business.
Areas of application of CMMS: maintenance and sustainable development
Industrial companies now want to limit the environmental impact of their actions of treatment or recycling of waste, water purification or energy expenditure. CMMS and sustainable development are allies in achieving these objectives. Tracking consumption, avoiding waste and regulating installations are the functions fulfilled by a computer-assisted maintenance management system.
CMMS and construction companies
The building industry requires the monitoring and control of many buildings and installations. With a CMMS software for the building industry, accessible anywhere at any time and especially for the technical teams on site, you gain in efficiency. Safety checks, planning of intervention requests, reports of work done, everything is available remotely in a click. This type of computerized maintenance solution helps to improve communication between teams of technicians or service providers.
The property manager can also visualize the status of his property and all his residential or commercial buildings. He can supervise data, resources and all actions necessary for the proper functioning of the building, such as regulatory controls, curative or preventive actions, renovation work and major maintenance. He manages directly via the CMMS the relations with the mandated service providers who operate on site. These include specialized installations such as elevators, air conditioning, heating, fire safety and automatic building access systems.
CMMS, a software solution for transport activities
Logistics flows are becoming increasingly complex. In many companies, they are at the heart of supply chain concerns. Whether it is the maintenance of rolling stock, fixed or linear infrastructures, our CMMS transport tool responds to the problems of the sector. This on-board software enables geolocation and remote monitoring of all equipment.
Functionalities allow the management of audits, the visualization of the availability of the park as well as the planning of interventions. Management reports provide permanent access to preventive and corrective maintenance costs, machine hours, service rate, etc.
Computer-aided maintenance management in the healthcare sector
If there is one sector of activity where preventive and corrective maintenance is crucial, it is the health sector. In terms of CMMS for the health sector, we are perfectly suited to the needs of the medical professions. We intervene in accordance with the regulations of the Public Health Code. The computerization of maintenance operations, revision of equipment or medical furniture brings serenity to the process.
CMMS for the management of interventions and equipment in industry
All industrial sites have precise and regular maintenance needs for installations and production lines. The management of cold and fluids cannot be improvised. The assignment of teams, the management of on-call duty, the supply of spare parts, preventive audits, these are all tasks that a CMMS of the industry type manages. Maintaining the production tool in working order without untimely line stoppages is crucial. This is a challenge for both cost prices and service rates.
CMMS applications for the retail sector
CMMS for the retail sector is now an essential IT tool for all brands. With a maintenance management software, this sector of activity has an ideal solution for all its equipment. Cash registers, refrigeration systems and storage platforms all need to be monitored closely to ensure that they remain in good working order to serve their customers.
CMMS systems for the banking sector
Financial institutions are not forgotten. With CMMS tools for banking, they benefit from solutions for managing the maintenance of their IT equipment as well as their bank branches. This type of business requires permanent monitoring and a rigorous security system. This specialised CMMS software has many advantages, with its online information management, which can also be accessed via mobile phones.
Computer-aided maintenance management, an ally for the security sector
Finally, our business is also to put CMMS at the service of security. What fields require curative and preventive maintenance of installations? For example, the video surveillance sector, cash in transit or fire protection equipment. Computer-aided maintenance management has become a must for these companies. Its use facilitates surveillance work. It helps to organise the interventions of the teams of technicians.
CMMS is now an essential software tool for managing maintenance in many areas. By using a specialized solution for their activity as that of Yuman.io, companies optimize the management of their data. They facilitate the planning of technicians' work. They secure their production processes and service levels.
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